
How to Write a Better Listicle

In the era of social media and BuzzFeed, the listicle has become a popular way to communicate ideas. And if you’re like most people, you probably love to read listicles. Whether it’s a list of the best places to travel or the most interesting facts about history, there’s something about this format that makes information more readable and digestible.

But just because something is popular doesn’t mean it’s effective. Most marketers have tried using listicles as a way to attract attention. And listicles can be a great way to engage your audience. But they can do more harm than good if poorly written.

Ideas For Writing The Best Listicle

So how do you write a better listicle? Here are some tips:

1. Keep It Concise

concise list

While there is no hard and fast rule about how long a listicle should be, most experts agree that conciseness is key. After all, readers are more likely to engage with an easy-to-read and digest article.

That being said, there is no need to sacrifice quality in the name of brevity. A successful listicle will strike a balance between being concise and offering substance. The goal here is to provide readers with an engaging and informative read.

2. Make the List Relevant to Your Brand

Your list should be relevant to your brand and what you do. Don’t just make a list for the sake of making a list. When used correctly, listicles can be valuable for promoting your brand. That’s why ensuring that the listicle is relevant to your audience and aligns with your brand message is essential.

For example, a food company might create a listicle about the health benefits of their products, or a fashion brand might highlight the must-have items for the season. Creating informative and exciting content lets you use listicles to connect with your audience and boost your brand awareness.

3. Use Strong Headlines

While listicles can be effective at quickly conveying information, they also have the potential to be quite annoying. This is often because many listicles have either too vague or too specific headlines. A headline that is too vague (e.g., “Ways to improve your sleep”) doesn’t give the reader any sense of what they can expect from the article. On the other hand, a headline that is too specific (e.g., “10 Ways to Improve your Sleep”) can be off-putting, as it suggests that the article will be nothing more than a list of tips. T

The best listicles strike a balance between these two extremes, offering headlines that are both informative and concise. Your headline will make people click on your article in the first place. So make sure it’s something catchy and attention-grabbing

4. Write in a Clear Style

Another essential thing to remember when writing a listicle is to ensure your wording is easy to understand. Remember, people read your article because they want quick, easy-to-digest information. They’ll probably move on to something else if your wording is confusing or difficult to follow. So take care to use simple language.

Don’t try to be too clever with your words. Just get to the point.

5. Make It Interesting

One of the biggest challenges of writing a listicle is ensuring each point is relevant and interesting. After all, there’s nothing worse than reading a list only to find that half of the issues are entirely irrelevant. To avoid this, take some time to brainstorm before you start writing.

People are attracted to lists because they are easy to read and provide information quickly and efficiently. Make sure that each point you include captures your reader’s attention.

6. Include Images or Videos

add videos

One way to add depth and substance to a listicle is to include images or videos. These can help to illustrate the points being made and provide additional information that may be useful to the reader. Including photos or videos is important to ensure they are high quality and relevant to the article’s content. If done correctly, they can help to make a listicle more engaging and informative.

Likewise, people are more likely to read an article with images or videos. It helps break up the text and makes your writing more visually appealing.

7. Use Bullet Points

Bullet points are easier to read than long paragraphs of text. They help break up the text and make your article more scannable. They also make it easier to highlight key information within the listicle. Just be careful not to overuse them, however. Too many bullet points can quickly turn an exciting article into a confusing mess.

8. Keep it Positive

Regardless of their content, listicles should be written in a positive tone. This doesn’t mean that every list should be full of happy sunshine and rainbows; it should be written respectfully and not overly critically. After all, even the most negative topics can be approached positively. By using a positive tone, listicles can be more effective and more likely to be read by a wider audience. Keep your listicle positive and upbeat.

9. Check Your Grammar and Spelling

A listicle with incorrect grammar or spelling is likely to turn readers off. Here are a few tips to help you avoid common mistakes:

  • Proofread your work carefully. A quick read-through will help you catch any obvious errors.
  • Use a spell checker. This can be built into your word processing program, or many free online spell checkers are available.
  • Use a grammar checker. Again, many free online grammar checkers can help you catch errors.

If unsure, consult a style guide or ask a friend or colleague for feedback. You’ll ensure your listicles are enjoyable and accurate by checking your work.

10. Promote Your Listicle


As a content marketing strategy, listicles can be incredibly effective. They’re easy to read, shareable, and usually pack a lot of information into a small space. However, simply writing a listicle is not enough to ensure its success. Here are a few tips for promoting your listicles and getting them seen by your target audience.

  • Consider where you’ll publish your article. Several online platforms accept listicles, but not all will suit your brand. Do some research to find the site that best aligns with your target audience.
  • Give your article an attention-grabbing headline for social posts. A social headline will make people want to click through to read more. Take some time to experiment with different headlines until you find one that resonates with your audience.
  • Share your article on social media. Post a link to the article on your brand’s social media profiles and encourage your followers to share it with their friends. You can also use paid advertising on social media to boost its reach even further.
  • Make your listicles shareable. This means including social sharing buttons only on your website and even “click-to-tweet” options so site visitors can easily share quotes from your listicle to their social channels.

By following these tips, you can ensure your listicle gets the attention it deserves.

11. Have Fun

Listicles are a fun, easy way to write on various topics. By their very nature, they are shareable and can be a great way to attract attention to your blog or website. Writing a listicle should be fun. So enjoy the process, and don’t take yourself too seriously. You can do this by choosing a topic that you’re passionate about. And be sure to add personality to your writing. Inject some humor, or share a personal story related to the topic. Your efforts will result in a more engaging and interesting-to-read piece.

You Can Write Better Listicles Now

So, now that you know how to write better listicles, what’s your next topic? Will you start with the benefits of a plant-based diet or ten easy tips for weight loss success? No matter what you choose, make sure to put your unique spin on it and have fun with it. After all, writing should be enjoyable – especially when creating catchy and shareable content like listicles.

Have we inspired you to try your hand at this popular content format? If so, let us know in the comments below!

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