Chapter 2.Google Updates 2023 – Help For Predictions


Using older updates from Google can help you understand what we can expect from the tech giant in the coming years. There are multiple updates from Google every year, and they define what the next year will look like.
At the same time, you can predict by understanding what Google is trying to achieve, which shows what the search world will look like.

Helpful Content Update

  • The “helpful content” update from the tech giant was intended to bring content that solves users’ problems.
  • This update shows that Google wants creators to publish content that satisfies the user’s intent. Also, it should help them learn about a certain topic enough that they will not need any other content.
  • Google also wanted to ensure that people get value from creators’ content. They determine that by guidelines that say content should be people-first, not search-engines-first.
  • Your website should have a certain purpose that it offers content about and not a mix of everything on a website without any real value.

E-E-A-T Update

EAT or expertise, authority and trustworthiness helped Google creators understand what they should carry to rank on Google results. The search engine values it when a creator has expertise and authority and also writes trustworthy content.
So, your content should show that you know the topics and have the expertise, and also, users can rely on your opinion.
The new “E” in this old update means to add experience to the content you create for them. So, if you want to add something special to your content, you should add the element of the experience. It can even be something you do daily or have experience with in any way.

How This Works?

For instance, you may have experienced a certain illness that you know what it feels like. So, when you explain its symptoms to someone in your forum discussions, you share your experience.

This element is an addition by Google to help creators understand what they should have to ensure their content is useful.
This way, Google is trying t bring the most genuine information to their search engine and make their users more satisfied


SpamBrain was another update released in December that allowed Google to find out about sites spamming for their content boost. At the same time, the tech giant clearly said they could detect sites that purchase links and link farms. So, if a website is famous for offering paid links to other websites, Google will be able to detect such sites and hit them.

This algorithm update allowed them to find such sites and give them an algorithm hit.

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